Aunty Social Interview - 'Crack a Deal'
Aunty Social Interview - 'Crack a Deal'
If you are interested in music that not only captivates sonically but connects on a deeper level, through personal, yet relatable lyrics and themes, then Toronto’s Aunty Social is someone who you should get your ear holes around.
With only two releases under her belt, Aunty Social is already causing a sizeable groundswell. She was instantly snapped up by Nettwerk Records this year (Mallrat, Angus & Julia Stone). Her music can be described as bedroom neo-psyche that finds itself sharing space with her country mates Homeshake and acts like Crumb and Broken Bells, due to the use of warm synths infused simplistic and sparing jazz guitar lines.
Her latest release, the widely accessible ‘Crack a Deal’ is the third single to come off her upcoming EP: The Day My Brain Broke, which is due out in 2020.
Known for her focus on mental health and sharing her own experiences in order to help others with theirs, we are keen to see what is to come from this neo-soul 24-year-old rising star.
How would you describe your music to someone who has no idea about music?
I just say its dance-y and fun, she can’t understand English very well so luckily she’ll just assume it’s all happy stuff and we can live off that fib.
Credit: Melissa Jimenez (BU9BOY)
Tell us about your name and where it came from?
I had to separate myself from the toxic lifestyle I was living a couple years ago which led me to isolate myself from my friends. they’d invite me out and I’d say no, which they would then reply, “you’re so anti-social now” or “Daniela stays home again.”
It was between Aunty Social and Daniela Stays Home and here we are.
When it comes to expressing yourself through your music can you give us some insight into what this does for your overall well being?
It helps me organise my thoughts in some kind of structured way. I am terrible at verbalising what I feel, so music helps me slow down my thoughts/ideas to dissect and analyse what I mean or want to express.
One of the sole reasons I began learning production is because when I’d be creating a tune in the studio, it was near impossible to express my ideas to the producer, it always sounded like, “well can u make that kick sound more… boomy? you know, like BOOM!” along with some inarticulate hand gestures.
There are many kinds of hats. Which hat do you think is best?
Woah I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes with all my hats laying on my bed playing process of elimination. I will have to go with the chimney sweep hat because it is so versatile and gets very awkward half-compliments.
Can you please tell us about ‘Crack a Deal’ and what it means to you?
‘Crack a Deal’ is basically me being a baby and voicing my frustration with the 9-5 lifestyle. I have nothing against it, my parents are both 9-5ers and they live a very comfortable life, but I just couldn’t fit into that frame.
I started working at my mom’s office when I dropped out of college so I could afford production costs and stuff. I stayed for two years and really tried to like it, but it kind of killed my soul.
I wrote this song during that really weird, unbalance time in my life where I worked a job I hated to fund my dream job. The demo of this song was created during that period of time and structured as a sort of prayer to the 9-5 Gods to cut me some slack.