Jaws The Shark 'Destroy The World'

Jaws The Shark

A music video project for Jaws The Sharks release 'Destory The World'. The video melds the worlds of Live action, 3D and 2D animtion. We built 2 custom 3D worlds along with 2D animtion for extra stylisation. Along side we create a number of social assets to accompany the visual world of the release.

August 2022
Music Video
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
jaws the shark, music video, destroy the world, bts photography, music, performance, aniamtion, blender
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